Við erum flutt í Hafnarfjörð
Gjáhellu 17 - upplýsingar; meiraprof @
We have moved to Hafnarfjordu
Gjáhellu 17 - information; meiraprof @
Smelltu á dagsetningu til að skrá þig
Click on a date below to Register
English August 27th
Course is FULL!
Admission rules:
Very good knowledge of English, writing, reading, and speaking!
Tilboð!! fyrir námskeið á íslensku
Meirapróf Íslensk námskeið - Allur pakkinn (C-CE-D)
Verð: 650.000
Til að fá inngöngu í skólann þarf viðkomandi að hafa almennt bílpróf, þ.e. fullnaðarskírteini og uppfylla aðrar þær reglur sem hið opinbera setur hverju sinni.
Hægt er að hefja nám 6 mánuðum áður en réttindaaldri er náð.
OFFER!! for course in English
English Commercial Driving License - Meiraprof
All categories (big vehicles C-CE-D)
Price: 670.000
Please send mail to meiraprof @ if you have any questions.
Admission rules: Very good knowledge of English, writing, reading, and speaking!
Classroom during Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings from 17:30.
To be accepted into the school, the applicant has to have a full general driver's license and fulfill other rules set by the government each time.
Training can start 6 months before the age limit for the license.
To apply for a course, please select the English course, if listed, here to the right, it will open an application form.
Við erum flutt í Harnarfjörð :)
Gjáhellu 17
Hægt er að senda tölvupóst á:
meiraprof @
We have moved to Hafnarfjodur
Gjáhellu 17
You can reach us via email:
meiraprof @